How to get to Consol Energy Park - Directions form two places

Check out the easiest route that directs you to Consol Energy Park:
How to get from Pittsburgh
- I-79 South to I-70-I-79 Junction
- West on I-70 to Exit 15 (Chestnut Street/Rte. 40)
- At the end of the exit ramp bear right (east)
- Turn right into Washington Crown Center (mall)
- Take the ring road and turn right into the Washington Square Complex
- CONSOL Energy Park is at the top of the hill.
How to get from Wheeling
- I-70 East to Exit 15 (in Pennsylvania)
- At the end of the exit ramp bear right (east)
- Turn right into Washington Crown Center (mall)
- Take the mall ring road and turn right into the Washington Square Complex
- CONSOL Energy Park is at the top of the hill.